Australian Made Saddles - high end custom made saddles and saddlery. Australian Owned and Manufactured.


13th March 2017

Q: How do I clean my Overseer saddle?

Please read our Saddle Care article.

Q: Can I take my saddle overseas and then back to Australia?

Clients who travel overseas with their saddles are worried about the saddle passing custom checks and quarantine at airports. We have written a manufacturers material list for you to print off and take with you. The list is signed by master saddler Jason Simmons.

Q: Can you reserge or refelt my saddle?

Yes. We do saddle repairs. A reserge replaces the woollen serge underneath your saddle. The saddle is completely pulled apart and the serge and hair replaced. We use mohair noil to repack the serge, because it doesn't ball and is soft. We can refelt as well using thick navy wool.

Q: How much would a reserge cost?

A reserge costs $1500. If the girth points need replacing while the saddle is pulled apart that cost is another $295. It's also the time to check the tree. We would need the saddle for two weeks to complete repairs.